… a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
Definition of socialism
Universal healthcare, elimination of student debt and perhaps the reduction of military spending does not make a socialist. Who is advocating for the take-over of industry and placing it in the hands of a committee?
If we had Biden 2008, I would vote for him. We don’t. Bloomberg, not really interested. Warren — I like her, but I’m on the fence.
So, who does Trump not want? Biden? How do we run a national election by trying to figure out what that man wants in between tweets?
Hilary Clinton had “universal” democratic support and she lost — close, but does anyone care about that anymore? Not after 3 years of The Donald.
If I can’t believe in the process; and if I can’t directly impact the outcome, and if my vote won’t matter because MILLIONS will be turning back to Trump for fear of becoming Sweden #2, then WTF! Give it all up, go to an island and chant?
The problem with everyone voicing their opinions (including me) is that in the end, it just sounds like as great wind.
People want Biden, because he’s absolutely, positively, the only person who can win — says who? Based on what — a poll? A poll of 122 million Americans? The polls said Trump had NO chance. Guess what …
I keep writing about the process, let the process play out. Say what you have to say, but let the process — the American people — have a say. In the end, they’re the only ones who will. Lambasting every candidate in turn and calling the Democrats fools and short-sighted, gets us what exactly?
It’s like we have one bridge off the island and instead of everyone doing what they can to support it and keep it there until we can change it, we have lots of people throwing rocks at it, saying what a piece of crap it is and it’ll never hold and … What’s the point? The system won’t change between now and November. What can change and hopefully will, are the votes for Trump. Let’s spend our time and energy, pointing out his failings, his lack of respect for the law and the constitution.
That would make sense.