A wonderful piece, Desiree. I woke up feeling grief but couldn't spot the source of it. Just felt down. So, I started reading and came to your piece. I'm feeling better now. 😉
I too started off as a Catholic and at about the same age drifted from it because all that I saw were rules and obligations, surrounded beautifully by stained glass and stonework. Nothing more.
So, my journey of spiritual enlightenment started - and continues. We are a spirit and we reside here on Earth. Impacted by what happens to her as we are impacted by a cruel joke or bullying.
I realized some time back that we are ancient. That who we are and what we know is vast - and that knowledge - that ray of light slipping through the crack can be frightening initially. But afterwards it's comforting. It's simply who we are. Strong and fragile. Wise and foolish.
Cheers Desiree. 😊👏