An old marketing ploy was to pay for an Ad in a low-end periodical or newspaper --
"Johnson's magic can-opener. Opens any can anywhere in three second - Only $99"
Then push out a new marketing campaign promoting Johnson's can opener -
"Sold elsewhere for $99, but now get it for $29.95"
Technically a true statement, but . . . deceptive. I'm sure Tim has 1-2-3 people or whatever that made it, through his course or others like his and thus his statement is grounded in fact. But statistically the odds are equal to winning the 200-1 trifecta at Santa Anita.
Is it possible that someone could have $100K in their bank in 12 months - sure, why not. But is it statistically likely without some external influence, some unlikely convergence of circumstances - probably not.
But it's human nature to wager a great deal on the delta between those two possibilities.