And the amount of money you make from your words is directly correlated to the amount you can influence the reader’s thinking.
When I first read this, my left hand automatically came up for a clap, but my right hand said, naw, no thanks. Hmm, I wonder why?
I have been wrestling with this exact concept for a while now. How to influence people's thinking or more rudimentary, getting them to think about a subject that appears "off limits" to many readers.
I am no Hemmingway or King so my name doesn't attract more than 10 feet in any direction. But I do put words and concepts together in way that I believe does influence. The question for me is: How much and how do you grow it?
Influence has a lot to do with environment; what are people thinking about today? What drives their thoughts or makes them hide inside entertainment day in and day out.
Your question is a valid one but I believe so is mine.
Thank you for writing this. It's gotten me thinking again. 😉