Awesome piece!
The thing about every "ism" is that they start with one point of view. And that's as it should, we all see things from our unique perspective. But that's also the problem. We ALL see ourselves as isolated beings. 8 billion individual stalks of grain swaying in the wind. Not so. We're all connected. We all share emotions and problems and great joys. If a single person walks 10 miles through a beautiful valley and sees no one but feels exhilarated - can he attribute it to just being by himself? I think not - he's been with Nature the whole time. Our emotions are a part of us. As much as I love Mr. Spock as a character, the Vulcan way is based on Stoicism in my opinion and it's not sustainable. I think what "saves" Mr. Spock is his half human side. It keeps him connected even if annoying as f**k at times. 😁
Loved it, George.