Back in the day - when Hendrix was still alive and playing - several of us would frequently lament the fact that the weed we were smoking didn't have the same high after the 50th or so time using it. So we went after something more stimulating, more OMFG I can't see anymore.
And of course we found it and several months later had the same problem - not high enough.
The same happens here on Medium. People crave distraction. Crave relief - even if it hurts - from whatever else is troubling them. So they seek out stories that smack their faces, wake them up (you know, like shouting FIRE FIRE!) and get them thinking about something else.
And yes, it's profitable. But it's profitable like that Gun Seller placing the ad in a Houston paper for AR-15s on sale. Same place as the NRA conference, days after Uvalde.
Even if it's well-written and seems timely and . . . I don't know - something wrong there. Something killing the soul.
Good piece, Sherry. Woke me up. Cheers.