Dr. Yildiz
You have committed the crime of — Communication. You have used it shamelessly to enhance, not yourself, but others. You have gifted writers with the ability to see their work online, in print and being appreciated by those who enjoy the free expression of ideas.
To some, this is a crime. To the vast majority of us — it is a sign of greatness of spirit.
In a perfect world, you’d be able to have a moment to enjoy the fruits of your labors. But in the real world, sometimes there are those who rail against success. Who see danger in it and see the need to control it as well as others.
My advice is simple:
- Do NOT change anything you are doing.
- Disconnect from this source of upset fully and completely. As suggested by others, report what is happening and let those tasked with handling this type of transgression do their job.
- Know you are supported and appreciated and move on.