Excellent read Arthur. Love the concept of cycles of change - very true.
We all have met people who are, as they say, "bad to the bone." And the reality is - they are. Reasons for, are beyond our control.
There are myths throughout all cultures that describe these people - different names in different languages - but the same traits.
It's difficult to think of people actually wanting to create harm. Nobody plows into a crowd of people with a car - it must be an accident.
It's important to note these traits and the people who hold them. These need to be flagged with warning tape circling them. To alert others and to isolate them so they do less harm.
The saving grace is that there is only a small percentage of them. But they influence others and make harmful criticism seem fun and entertaining.
Sorry, the fires in SoCal, heavy air and red sun have put me in a mood. But that doesn't take away from your article and the good advice you give. Cheers