Excellent stuff here, Linda, really.
My muse is from Brooklyn. Think, On The Waterfront, "I coulda been a contender."
She's bossy but warm-hearted. She never judges - she just has that look, those eyes that stare out at me and I begin to quiver, "okay, okay I won't write fantasy about dragons who sing show tunes."
We first met on the playground - she was the one way high up on the swings - fearless and laughing.
We've come a long way together. We don't always agree on what or when or how often. But we do agree on one thing - just write.
So, I do. Everyday. In my head, on paper, at my computer. Thinking. Testing phrases. Repeating lines from a movie and storing them away. Imagining my words echoing in someone's head, just for a moment, before they make a BLT and watch a ballgame.
It keeps me going. Cheers. 💚