Fair is one of those words that has no real substance or meaning on its own.
A “fair”, doesn’t walk into a bar one night and asks the bartender ….
A long-haired “fair” didn’t run away with your daughter in 1968 and …
It’s a word that only gains credence when attached to something else. It has no life of its own and yet, we sit at its feet and ponder our own life’s meaning through its existence. We stress that it will be at the foot of our bed one morning staring up at us. We dread the day, when driving home from work, it will be the only thing we can think of, and how its absence has ruined our lives.
Fair is a weak word with little individual power to influence us — like moist or wince or perpendicular. Let’s not give it any more control of our lives than any other word.
Good article.