Fascinating article Rebecca - thought provoking. When growing up in Brooklyn, teenagers were always hanging out on corners or in schoolyards . If anything happened in that neighborhood, anything went missing - guess who got the nod. Parents - holding their children's hands - would walk quickly past our group - assuming we were up to no good - even when we were engaged in sports - which was like 90% of the time.
People do fear "things" that are different. They fear them even more when there's a lot of them.
I don't know what's at the core of racism. Do white people perceive an actual threat in black people (as opposed to any person) or do they simply perceive a reflection of all their past mistreatment of others? In other words - the sin doth speak loudly in accusation.
What we do, what we say to our fellow man - comes back to us. Informs our future reactions and opinions. Good and bad.
Kindness and the assumption of good is where change begins. People are spiritual beings - the rest is just genetics - and in the end irrelevant.
Again, excellent article.