Fascinating piece, Jonathan.
I was raised a Catholic and for the entire time, priests, nuns, teachers and anyone connected to the dogma behind the religion - fenced with me and others when questioned about where some of the teachings came from. Who was the Holy Ghost? Why a virgin birth - we were old enough to know where babies came from - how did May marry Joseph and set up home and a life with him and yet had a virgin birth with Jesus?
There rarely was any intent to explain or teach. It was always - shut up and read the text - it's a sin to doubt and question.
The concept of a God provides man with solace in one form or another - but it's seldom fully understood how this works. Religions take advantage of this need and create a means of controlling the flow of information and thus the minds of those receiving it.
I wish it were different. There are aspects of religions that I think are cool - great cathedrals come to mind. But the doctrines - not so much.
Again excellent piece.