Frighteningly spot-on. After more than two years of watching Trump say whatever comes to mind; never doubting himself, never seeking truth when a distortion would serve just as well, it is amazing that so many Brits still think Brexit is a solution. To anything. And that someone like Boris can deliver it, simply because he says it’s so. When did accurate and tested information have so little relevance in determining what is right and logical in the running of a government, a corporation or even a day care center. Is it the Internet’s fault, where there is now 1000 versions of every “truth”? Or that as people, we’ve simply lost the ability to perceive bullshit in any of its terrestrial forms? And hey, when did George Orwell sneak into my mind and mess with everything I thought was sacred and dependable? I remember when Richard Nixon rode off into the sunset in 1974, I thought, perhaps prematurely, that maybe we’d seen the last of the uber-manipulative, self-serving, and unabashedly dishonest politicians in Washington. Sigh. What can I say, I was young and naive. But wait. Boris and Donald. Donald and Vladimir. Bugs Bunny and Elmer Fudd. Well, perhaps, they do go together somehow. Perhaps there is some sense to this after all.