Go into any large supermarket in America and you'll see various displays, images and the like promoting products throughout. But if you take a closer look at who makes the products -- you'll see a handful of players who own 100s of brands. Supermarkets do this, because Billions are spent on advertising and they just create the funnels to capitalize on it. Less effort more sales. Does this serve the consumer - only if they really like, Coke, Doritos, Gatorade, Bud, Capt. Crunch, Spam ...
You are in effect, seeing the same pattern in Medium. They are allowing the "top writers" to bring their followers into the platform and they will continue to give them as much real estate as needed to expand that following and Medium's potential for new members.
All they did was put a Hollywood facade on the old building to make it look contemporary.
It's disappointing. It's like an entertaining traffic cop in sparkling white gloves, doing Michael Jackson moves, to keep the flow of traffic going - where he wants it to go - not where the people and cars were actually heading.
Evan Williams talks a good talk, but honestly, he must have studied political science at Uni, because the words are nice, but the subsequent actions are off in a different direction.
Great piece though Dew - really. 😊👍