- the lines have been blurred and facts distorted about what, and how does it relate to this article? We all see articles written, documentaries produced that try to define a subject or a person. Some are well done and accurate and some are contrived. The contrived ones are really an effort to persuade someone to think or act in a certain way or to feel a certain way about a group. Many books by pundits about The Left and how horrible they are, or some other book about Climate Change fall in line with this. In these works, facts are often (not always) distorted or stretched or stated out of sequence, which all create an altered reality. Some find it difficult to create the type of effect they want because the facts don’t support it. So … things get changed a bit so they fit the new narrative being told. Therefore blurred lined and facts.
- “Square pegs get rounded off to fit into round holes” is a metafor for what exactly? Originally in the child’s puzzle, both square and round pegs were made of wood, so other than their shape, they looked alike. This was a similar point to blurred facts. I made the allusion that someone might be considered like a square peg, believing one set of things, who is made to look or sound differently by rounding off the edges (changing her words or beliefs a little) and making her now look like a round peg. I like specificity. When someone uses the right words and relays accurate information to tell a story. My comments reflected that.