Hey John, thanks for stopping by and commenting. I was old enough to vote for Reagan but didn’t. Couldn’t understand why a man who was elected president of SAG (a union) six times, would systemically do his best to bust all of them.
Boomers are by definition, those born between 1946 and 1965 — and that’s it. Who they are, what they did, what they’ll take to their graves — who the hell knows. There were many good ones and many who screwed the pooch — and probably took a little too much pleasure in it. But there were also those on either side of them — doing pretty much the same thing.
Moral of the story: We’re all good and bad — mostly the former, thankfully. We make mistakes, we learn from them and we do the best we can.
I like people. I don’t assume they’ll try to screw me, disrespect me, or throw me under the bus. But — — I’ve had some do all three. So, I’m older and wiser but thankfully, still hopeful. And I try hard to stay that way.
Thanks again.