Hey Klara,
Thank you for your comments. I’m not advocating that everyone play games like Pac-Man — though munching those little dots had a meditative effect on me. 😁. I just think we can get a little more creative and not have a body count be the end result of the exercise.
I was writing teleplays years ago and would blithely insert gun scenes here and there. A friend of mine at the time asked — Do you know how loud a .45 caliber gun is — is a closed room? I said no. So, he took me to a range and I fire one. He also had me shoot a hollow point bullet at a pumpkin to see it blown apart. Guns and what they actually do became a lot more real to me at that time.
12-year-olds playing these games don’t understand the effects — we need to be more responsible regarding them. Thanks again.