Hey Linda, thanks for stopping by.
There’s a fine line between studying a subject with the intent of learning the craft and the art of creating articles that go far and wide — and losing oneself in the process and seeing only a style that can be replicated.
I agree with you.
When I delved into screenwriting in the early 90s, I went over to UCLA, parked myself in their library, and read hundreds of scripts they had on file. I wanted to understand format, and flow, and the creation of characters, and how one conveyed a story through action and not narrative. I then took a half dozen classes and absorbed as much as I could about the three-act play and the rules that everyone was supposed to follow.
In the end, I learned that rules mattered. That a great story populated by likable characters stepped right over the rules and landed neatly in someone's sweet spot. Good writing and creativity win out but not if someone can’t get through it.
Thus all the points you made come into play.
I am simply of the opinion that no one should try to be anyone but themselves AFTER they learn the basics of writing and then the more subtle, but equally important basics of marketing and execution.
I learn from everyone, all the time. Then I do my best to make it mine. Sometimes I succeed and sometimes, not so much.
I’ve written for 50 years, but for about a decade or so — my pen was still, my heart wasn’t in it and the words went elsewhere. Then I found Medium. Found a safe place to create and share and get the feedback I needed to rekindle that desire.
I’ve learned a lot from your articles, Linda, over the past 2 1/2 years. I needed that discipline and tailored response to get past the malaise I had settled into.
So, I get it. No reason to learn the hard way every time, when there are others who are willing to share.
Thanks again for your thoughts. 😊