Hey Martin,
Your words felt like a comforting pat on my shoulder. A nod in a crowd filled with blank stares. Thank you!
I have watched movies 10 times and thought them wonderful - only to find out they made all of $22.15 at the box office. While Avengers 13 makes $2 billion with a 6th grade vocabulary.
This is a subject easy to gripe about and capable of humbling a Titan and leaving her in tears. My wife has joked - don't worry, by next lifetime you'll be known by everyone. 😁 Didn't really want to wait that long, but maybe she's right ... 🤔
This may sound way off the mark - but I get amazing insight into human nature by walking down the cereal aisle at my local supermarket. 99% of the items on those shelves are literally, chemically, and nutritionally dreck. And yet they generate $billions for Kellogg, General Foods, Post and others. ALL done through marketing. Words and cartoons that made America want what was proven to be nutritionally barren.
Writing and art often follow suit. Humans are often "made" to crave certain words and sounds and looks even when they are not all that great.
Am I griping - probably. Is there any truth to my words - I think so. But I'll keep working and weaving my stories as best I can in the hopes of become the next Captain Crunch!