Hey Sarah - thanks for stopping by and offering up your thoughts about the article.
"...that caused the peace and love generation to sell out and retreat into gluttonous consumption? "
Wow - I think I felt my Ab muscles recoiling after this kick in the gut. See the thing is - I can see passed the fact that I am not gluttonous and see those that are. And when I do this - I see cross-generational consumption all around me.
I just don't see Boomers standing alone at the trough.
But with that said - you make some very valid points and I would be turning away if I didn't do more about it. My OK Millennials articles were done - partly tongue in cheek. I did use humor for a purpose - to hopefully get the darn thing read and point out that this Hatfields & McCoy's reenactment with the Boomers and Millennials is a colossal waste of time and effort and is causing two powerful groups to stand off against each other ( to some degree) rather than standing shoulder to shoulder in making things better.
I try to be the Elder (which is a bit hard at times, because Elders tend to be notoriously serious people, and that's not who I want to be) and succeed at times in helping others. I spent a large part of my life working for groups that support peace and the end to wars and that sort of thing.
But enough of me. Thanks again for stopping by. Your words are heard and please stop by again sometime.