Hey TSA,
When an arm comes out of a cast — it’s weakened. Feels awkward to wiggle the fingers and all. When a mind has essentially been placed in a cast — restricted from thinking and analyzing life around it — it fails to remember how it’s done. It struggles with stripping away the false and differentiating between good/bad, right/wrong, and so on. This is what I see happening all around me.
Politically, I think it started anew in 1988 with George HW Bush and his marketing campaigns against Dukakis. That’s when I remember lies and disinformation coming in big time. No holds barred. And Junior took it to the next level with Rove and Cheney. They lied their way into two wars and made money for everyone involved.
When lies and poor performance are so prevalent, they become the standard to which all other things are compared. If Al Capone is your idea of a hero — then dads and teachers and execs who operate like him are considered the norm and Elliot Ness — the odd one that doesn’t belong.
There was a Star Trek episode in 1968 I believe about a society that followed the “teachings” from a book a Federation officer had left behind. The book was about the Roaring Twenties, gangsters, and the life they led.
That’s what their society ended up looking like. Bad guys with sub-machine guns were normal.
We do need to change the narrative. Get people paying attention again.
Cheers. 😊