Hmm, I admit I got pulled in by the headline as I was going through my emails. But the article reads like a movie that has a brief first act and then straight to the ending. Were there discussions about this between the two of you? Did you take turns giving and receiving communication? Did you feel listened to or did he go straight to - no sex, no marriage? Too much is missing here other than the drama and not sure about that.
The old trope that men are wham bam, thank you ma'am in a relationship is a little dated in that Man has improved a bit over the last 50 years or so. Albeit not as much as we would like, but still.
Understanding life after childbirth is crucial. If he's being as dumb as a box of hammers regarding it, then that might account for this narrative. Otherwise grab an oversized pot and wooden spoon and bang it in front of him to get his attention and then talk. No talk = no marriage.