I worked a job not all that long ago, where the boss whined and kevetched that the laws were biased, that they made it impossible for small businesses to survive & grow, and that he was sick of paying too much for low level people.
Then he "discovered" a loophole that allowed him to classify hourly workers as "supervisors" so that they could be paid a salary, yet be pushed to work 10-20 hours extra per week with no overtime.
It was the equivalent discovery of Viagra for the workplace. He was happy and content for months afterward.
Somewhere in history we obliterated the word enough and replaced it with concepts like profits and earnings and dividends. A million dollars only looks good when compared to itself or a lesser amount. But for most it's always less than it should be.
Greed has become normalized. It's now defined as growth or expansion.
We need to work toward bringing ENOUGH back into the lexicon where it is desperastely needed.