I'm impressed. Arrogance, condescension and peurile devotion to "celebrity wisdom" all in one article. And deftly done.
Reassure Pregnant women
Make contraception widely available
Make men responsible for supporting pregnant women
Ah, solutions so divine, like Moses down from the mount. Failing to mention though that these have been in place for decades! Ignored - unenforced - or laughed out of court.
All it takes is to remember we are on the right side.
Truth! at last. You sir, are indeed on the "Right" side. With the shills and sycophants and Auntie Lindseys of the GOP. Good company I say. Well done for finding your tribe, your calling and your purpose, all in one place. Many must envy your situation.
No - not really.
Certainty - no matter how loudly it is asserted - does not equal truth.