In my opinion, we don’t have an obesity problem in the US, we have a food quality problem. The companies that manufacture our food are guided by the same financial principles as those that produce fertilizer, detergents or radial tires. Meaning that as long as the products sells and is profitable, what’s inside of them, or what they might do to us, is of secondary importance. Walk down the cereal and soda aisles in your local supermarket. Read a few labels. Do we actually believe the companies behind these products care about our health?
As humans, our weight yo-yos as we struggle to find and consume foods that don’t create a litany of problems within our bodies. All because they were never designed to consume sugar with our french fries or bread made from wheat that was engineered to withstand the agricultural equivalent of the Ebola virus.
At the end of the day we are driven crazy or into depression because we cannot control our own bodies. We are made to believe that we knowingly eat too much, by professionals (doctors chief among them) who operate off of charts and medical information originally compiled when Eisenhower first stepped into the Oval Office.
A good diet is the one that keeps us healthy. And that usually means making more of our own meals. Or finding providers that actually care.
Good luck, Shannon.