Interesting article.
I'm generally an outward facing writer. I observe and write about what I see and how it makes me feel as a person and as a citizen. But I am an inward facing person in real life and thus there's a bit of a conflict. I don't always want to look within and don't always feel comfortable sharing what I see with others. But that inclination to inspect the inner workings of Joe is ever present.
But I like your perspective. The gentle way you use your words to express your feelings. It's nice.
Me? I seldom write what I see. If I'm watching a soccer game I would feel uncomfortable simply writing about who did what and who scored the goal and so on. I find that boring. I'd find one player and write about the game as he sees it. What drives him. The emotions felt after missing an open net. What keeps him on the pitch. I guess it's how I look at life.
But your thoughts here made me think - and that usually a good thing. 😊. Cheers