It's interesting . . . in a macabre Edgar Allen Poe sort of way . . . that those that manufacture and profit from these weapons and weapons in general, can't see past the money they make. They produce weapons that can cripple the earth and yet they gleefully produce more thinking what . . . once I'm a billionaire three time over, I will buy an island (one that glows in the dark) in Fiji and spend my waning days enjoying life?
They can't see past the money and power. They must think -- all the harm and hurt will happen waaay over there, away from me, I'm safe.
Sigh!! But you're 100% right Rebecca, what we can do is whatever we can do. Write, protest, sing songs, draw pictures, send cookies to Senators (shaped like the Fat Man bomb dropped on Nagasaki) whatever we can think of that might change one mind.
Great piece!