Let's assume for argument's sake that Medium operates like a river. Let's further assume that given average rainfall, tributaries flowing water into this river year round that at a given point downstream, 1 million gallons is flowing past per hour. And that 1000 farmers are using this water for their crops.
Now a study is done and 950 of those farmers are asked - how much water do you now have access to each hour. The answer is 750,000 gallons collectively. So, does this mean that the other 50 farmers are being allocated 250,000 gallons per hour?
Unless someone is illegally redirecting the water before this point - or water is simply disappearing down a hole before reaching the farmers - then it is logical that this is what is happening. Or there's a new lake in someone's backyard. 🤔😁
What I think is that Medium has decided to allocate the lion's share of money to top writers - because certain writers are generating a larger % of Medium's new members. And the new algorithms are designed to do this - while operating under the cover of creating a newer and better user experience. Algorithms on websites are like slots in casinos - they are not designed to give the edge to the consumer.
The alternative is that Medium is "disappearing" as much money as they can down a hole to keep things afloat.
Views and reads are like gallons of water. If more and more writers are seeing their numbers disappear, where did they go?
Thus far my river theory explains things to a degree, but I am interested in hearing other theories.