Many of the older generations are proud of the thick skin that Life created for them. Proud that they withstood so much.
But being hardened, isn't always an upside. Being thick-skinned sometimes means not feeling things one should - and reacting to them.
Hardships and the vagaries of life - okay a thick skin comes in handy. But what does that have to do with being tolerant of assholes and idiots?
I dislike one or two word phrases that try to describe and encapsulate an entire generation. I'm a baby-boomer and know it originally meant - a boom in babies being born. Now we're associated with everyone within a certain age range - including sitting presidents and senators - who are heartless, greedy and indifferent to human suffering.
Snowflakes as a term is lazy, inconsistent, dull-witted and worst of all, a dis to one of Nature's most beautiful creations.
Try a little harder, people, there are only 200,000 English words out there to pick from. Use a few.
Good article.