Ponder this scenario. I see several people across the way fighting. I think — I’m going to make a difference. I run right into the middle of it— shouting and telling all involved to knock it off now and leave. I get punched, I get kicked, I get afraid. I pull out my 9mm and shoot three of them. Self-defense?
Yeah — if one of them held a knife or a bat — there you go — slamdunk not guilty.
And the shitshow continues. And Americans are now tasked with keeping the peace — with their guns. And of course, the vast majority of Americans out there would welcome 18-years-old carrying rifles and protecting their streets. Because they are mature and worldly and WTF if their brains won’t be fully formed for another 7 years.
Sometimes the sixth descendent of a really stupid idea — is an incredibly stupid idea. They simply don’t get any better.