Powerful piece, Julia.
Friendships are fascinating things for me. They appear both fragile and extremely resilient as we move through life with them. But they all follow basic rules. Friendships are seldom formed when there is nothing in common. As are other types of relationships. And even when there are differences (disagreements) the bond can remain strong. But when ideas and ideals grow further and further apart - and the common traits become less and less - the math stops working.
I have a friend who voted for Trump the first time and thought it made total sense. He lost friends because of it. He thanked me for not giving up on him - which I haven't. But I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel the strain.
Someone who believed Rush Limbaugh was a real mensch and humanitarian and believes Trump is a good businessman (despite 10 bankruptcies) and might also believe the Covid a hoax - has lost their grip on reality not just political preference.
If someone moves that far from another in so many ways - how does once continue to hold on? Difficult if not impossible. Friendship is love. And as we all know, love can fade or disappear. Its not invincible. Cheers.