Religious stories or social positions are religious expediencies. They exist “solely” to forward an objective. And rarely a pious one at that.
Many of those who “will die a thousand deaths” to stop abortions, freely support (through stock purchases, political donations, et al.)those companies that manufacture land mines, automatic weapons, and explosives that kill and maim hundreds of thousands of innocents every single year. Not to mention full and complete support of the death penalty. Why are these lives not of equal value?
It’s the same hypocrisy that has “ordinary citizens” shouting for the painful death of a Pusher who cut his smack with strychnine, while financially profiting from and continuously supporting the CEOs of Big Tobacco who have lied for decades about the millions who have died because of their products.
Pro-Life? I wish it were that simple. Pro-Control, more likely the motivation.
They will never answer that question — not head on — because it would mean actually dealing with the heart of the matter — a woman’s right to control her own body. Women under the control of their own bodies, fall out from under the control of others (mostly men) and can then make their own decisions. That is a frightening concept to those whose minds are still stuck in the past. About 2000 years in the past.
Three-card Monte, continues to fool people, because a dealer becomes very adept at getting the mark to look the other way.
Excellent article!