Several of you responded that Boris Johnson was a good delegator and stated it as a reason why he might succeed. I’m a little perplexed by this. Anyone in a position as exalted as President, Prime Minister or even CEO would, in my opinion, be delegating about 99% of the time. That is, 99% of everything that might come anywhere near his or her desk in want of a decision. I have worked with several people who would routinely delegate in order to grow a more efficient company and empower those around them as a result. And it succeeded. I have also worked with people who delegated because they truly didn’t know what the f**k they were doing and didn’t want to get caught holding the smoking memo. Which one is Boris? A good delegator, being offered up here, given the context of this situation and the potential for other qualities and characteristics to rise to the surface, seems a little thin or even desperate. Like the spouse telling several of her friends, that her husband is excellent at dead-heading rose bushes, sorting recycled items and not making a mess with the barbecue. Of all the traits she could enumerate about her beloved, these would seem to point to an imminent divorce or a major lowering of her expectations, given her life with the man. So which is it about Mr. Johnson?