Taxes fund life. Every time we flush the toilet — taxes are at work in making it disappear. Every time we flip the switch - taxes are funding the electricity to light our lives. Taxes are here to stay and in my opinion, they are not the problem. Historically, those that set the rate of taxation for everyone else, haven’t an f**king clue on how to balance a budget nor are they ever made accountable for doing so. Waste of taxpayer’s hard-earned money is the problem.
Years ago, the GAO (Government Accounting Office) stated that approximately 30 cents of every tax dollar spent was wasted. (Recently read an article about how years ago, NASA spent millions developing a pen that would operate in zero-gravity. In the Russian space program — they used a pencil.) Is there a message somewhere in this?
Imagine what we could accomplish at a 30% or 40% tax rate, if we wasted only 10 cents out of every dollar. Spending other people’s money has become a National Sport in America. Trillions in personal debt. Tens of trillions in national debt. We got this covered, no worries, we’re the best at it. Let’s try something new, just for shits and giggles. Let’s spend wisely. Let’s expect our government to be accountable for what they do. In fact, let’s do what they do in school, implement a minimum passing grade for Congress. You get four years to reduce spending and balance the budget — or you ALL go home and 434 new people take over and they get four years.
Anywhere in America, if someone running a business, a church or even a convenience store, had 20 consecutive years running at a loss, how long would it be before they were fired?
It’s simple, hold the government to the same standard that everyone is the entire world is held to. Wait a minute, aren’t they our employees; they do work for us, right?