Thanks for your response.
I don’t think that capitalism is “far more” sharing — I think it’s sharing in a different way. When you have the top 2% possessing more than 80% of the available wealth, it’s hard to see that capitalism is the only way out of where we are at now. It was the way out in the 1820s through the 1920s or so, but now …
Rewards? I like rewards, always have. Like feeling rewarded after working hard, thinking hard, etc.
But when the rewards become a bit skewed, and the percentages don’t work out for everyone, incentives are lost. A CEO making $2 million a year, or $8 million a year, I’m okay with that. But $50 -$150 million a year plus “incentives,” it’s simply two different playing fields. The nice manicured one where some play, and the one where the players remove rocks and fill in holes on the field before every game.
The system can be improved, I’m sure of it. I admire the innovation and creativity and like to play with that. But again … same playing field.