The lingering problem with being stupid, ineffective and irresponsible, especially as a leader of anything, is that earlier stupid decisions, like Rottweilers, come back time and again to bite you on the ass, and never let you forget that it was you, who made those stupid decisions in the first place. Like not using masks, 15 minutes after realizing this shit spreads pretty quickly. Like not making accurate tests available to track cases, when those who were doing it, got out of jail fast and efficiently.
Our president and his henchmen, I mean assistants, have the effective IQ of a Flamingo lawn ornament and are just as nimble in working their ways around scientific facts and reasoning.
No, I correct myself, they know exactly what those facts mean, they just choose to ignore them because they get in the way of the economy. That place where money is made and exchanged and where, through force of habit, large bunches of it, end up in people's pockets and bank accounts, which make some of those people happy, but happily, not all of them.
In truth, we failed long ago in our collective responsibility to put effective leaders and managers in place in our government. Result: They work for someone else now, and the big decisions, like the safety of our children, have fallen back down to us to make, because those we have elected (but not all of them) have simply forgotten why they are there.
And like newborn ducks or geese, they imprint with the first human that feeds them - lobbyists - and follow them wherever they go.
We have an inept government by default and neglect. We need to change this come November 3rd. Mark the date!