There are three kinds of lies: Lies, damn Lies and statistics. (Google will help with attribution.)
Where’s most of our government information coming from? The Trump administration.
Where are the national employment stats coming from — for the most part, the same source.
Who had absolutely positively nothing whatsoever to do with the strength of this economy? Obama. All 8 years. Because we all know that the government’s ability to influence national and internal economies, is measured in hours and days, right? Never years!
Trump just had the best ever congressional briefing on Iran or any nation. Look at the flowers he received if you don’t believe him.
Trump just had the best year, best quarter, best month, in economic improvement -ever. In the history of all presidents. Just read the thank you card signed by the Forbes 400 CEOs!
Climate Change, according to our president, is when it rains over Mar-a- Lago — and then the sun comes out. The rest is all bunk.
If you take away 100,000 jobs at $25/hr ($5,000,000,000 a year) and replace them with 200,000 at $12/hr, you have effectively doubled the number of jobs while paying out $200,000,000 less!
We are losing the middle class by eliminating higher paying jobs and rapidly replacing them with hourly wage positions that CANNOT provide the same standard of living or cover basic expenses for an average family. So, what do these average people do to cope - they work two jobs. And how does that look on the administrations report- just fine, thank you.
I don’t know how the average Joe out there fared with last year’s tax changes, but this Average Joe, paid considerably more in taxes. Well, dammit, somebody had to!
What I heard and read, is that many, many corporation used the tax breaks to buy back stocks, which boosted stock prices, garnered higher dividends for stockholders and made CEOs richer after bonuses. So, if we’re going to look at stats; if we are going to quote stats in this argument or any argument — dig deep and do a thorough comparative analysis that shows every aspect of the US economy, not just those pieces that make it look pretty.
Around 91 Fortune 500 companies paid no federal taxes at all, despite generating $101 billion in profit all together, the report said. Had they paid the full tax rate, corporations would have collectively owed $73 billion more. Some of the nation’s best-known companies paid a zero percent tax rate
We’re buying shinny beads as pearls and paying top dollar. It needs to stop.