Thought provoking piece for sure - Steve!
Personally, I'm not sure how best to analyze this incident. Was it sexual addiction that drove him? Was it his religious fervor and the ever-present fear of damnation - that made him so twitchy about sex? Was it racially motivated - there are other spas and massage parlors offering non-Asian personnel?
Or was he simply bat-shit crazy and owned a gun?
We (mankind) are really proficient with labels. In fact we absolutely love them and apply them liberally wherever the real situation - that dark-hearted monster sitting off in the corner - becomes too terrifying to confront and resolve. So we hand out more labels and then resolve to handle the hell out of those labels - racist - sex-addict - fundamentalist, while leaving the actual problem for someone else to deal with.
Thus we are dealing with problems today - that started 200 years ago - but were successfully labeled into obscurity.
A good think-worthy article. Cheers.