Very good article, Bill. Being in Sales I talk to people all the time. Recently, with many of them nearing retirement. Did many of them drift? I would have to answer yes and no. Most had a career and stuck with it - they had a direction. But that covered only 8 hours a day, what about the remaining 16? Most drifted from project to project, vacation to vacation and so on. Some were happy, some were not, most somewhere in the middle. Drifting became a comfortable alternative.
Not sure all drifting is bad, I do know that some of it certainly can be. Purpose aids direction. I know I suffered from a lack of one, when a major piece of my purpose went to sh*t about 15 years ago. Left a void that was easy to bump around in.
Replacing it has been a tough one, still working on it.
Loved the quotes - most of all, Yogi's. 😊