When I dedicated myself to wrtiting screenplays in the 1990s, I enrolled in every course and bought every book on screenwriting I could find and afford.
I worked it until I ached. Then endured 99.99% of every teacher and written word telling me to FOLLOW THE RULES! I did.
Then watched movie after movie capturing awards and box office gold that, "Broke all rules." "Was unique in every way." "Written with a middle finger thrust high at Hollywood."
Those that made it - didn't follow rules, they just wrote good stories. They always win. All the rest - just selling their books and courses - and getting aspiring writers to go the -long way around - so they didn't make the place too crowded for those who already made it.
Bend but don't break, Jessica. Medium may have started off thinking they were the immaculate conception of a place for all writers to shine. But it's a bit of a red light district now. And they seem to be liking it. Cheers!!