When I rode my bike at eight, the journey lasted hours and it was a constant adventure as I explored my world.
When I rode my bike at 17, I rode to decompress, to step out of my own head and not worry for a few hours about Vietnam, the world in general and my place in it.
When I rode at 60, it was exercise.
The only thing that changed was my perspective.
Success is a subjective label placed on what we do and have as a result. Climb 18,000 feet in one day. Is it a success if we couldn’t climb the last 50 feet?
I agree, Ayo, and thought your article excellent. Success is kind of meaningless because it constantly changes. We are successful several times over every day of our lives, but we frequently don’t see it, because success exists in CAPITAL letters, looks really nice in a suit, and drives a better care than we do.
I can’t recall the last definition of success, that someone told me, that didn’t have money and possessions tied into it.
I’ve chased success for most of my life, and drove past it more times than I can count. It was right there, but I was looking for something different. I am far more successful today than I was in Oct 2018, even though I work the same job, have the same wife and family, and drive the same car.
Is success a state of mind? Geez, that’s a tough one. I’ll get back to you.😊