Why don't Magicians on stage use older dour looking grandmothers as their assistants? Because they don't attract attention - away from the "trick" being performed by the guy on stage.
Rich people like to think they're magicians. They wave their hands and bloviate, and point to childhood where they spent endless hours studying and becoming who they are today. Most of this - total bullshit. What they do is distract and redirect attention away from what they are actually doing.
Most of the rich today inherited it. Many of the tech rich started with great ideas and excellent timing. It's what they did with their wealth afterwards that gives them a bad name. The CEO of Meta as example. A guy, who if he wasn't the head of the corporation would probably be employed as a "cooler" at a local casino, killing winning streaks with his presence.
Rich people are every day assholes, nice guys, introverts and arrogant SOBs like the poor. They just have the money to make sure their message is heard first.