"You Are Replaceable" is a phrase well known in the business world. In fact, in many companies you can see it written just above the entrance on your way in to work each day. And for those companies that don't have this prominently displayed, HR can usually provide you with an excerpt from the company manual, which essentially says the same thing.
So I get replaceable. But the next line caught me right between the ego and the solar plexus. Took my breath away.
Writers are a dime a dozen. Everyone wants to be a writer.
So cheap? I thought at least a shilling or a Susan B Anthony, no?
It hasn't been my experience that everyone wants to be a writer. Most don't like the pay scale. But it is my experience that most believe they can be a writer, given a little time and a comfortable chair.
Being a writer, I of course take huge offense at this line - well, moderately huge. I'm very busy at the moment, so if I had more time and attention to go with it - huge it would be. But I digress.
The phrase - a dime a dozen, generally denotes cheap, common or of no particular value.
By way of example: Publications that accept new writers, new readers and generally don't spend much time helping to nurture them or their own long term prospects - are a dime a dozen.
But let's not quibble, your point about creating and taking care of relationships is salient and useful. So thank you!
Just one last point. "Writing for a publication is a privilege." I believe you may have left off a sentence - perhaps. Something along the lines of - From a differing perspective, a publication without good and willing writers, is a lonely place with lots of time and little to read.
Just a thought. Must dash - and finish my next article. Ciao. 😉